Donations to the Second Language Studies Program are used to support graduate students and help them become national and international scholars in the fields of second language studies, second language acquisition, applied linguistics, and language pedagogy. Most importantly, your contributions help the Program meet the students’ unexpected needs and challenges as they work toward graduation. We highly appreciate your donation of any amount.
Dr. Susan M Gass Scholarship Fund
Gifts to the Dr. Susan M Gass Scholarship Fund are in honor of Dr. Gass, who founded the program in 2005. This fund supports SLS student scholarships, student travel, guest speakers, and program expenses in support of SLS students.
Gifts to the Second Language Studies Fund can be made in honor of any individual or event, or given as an undesignated gift. Contributions help the Program meet graduate students’ needs, and provide unique opportunities for student growth.
For more information about giving to SLS, please contact Christine Radtke, Senior Director of Development, MSU College of Arts and Letters. Thank you!
- 517.353.4725