Welcome to SOSLAP!
We are a student organization that serves as a resource for current MA TESOL and SLS Ph.D. students and others at Michigan State University interested in language teaching, language learning, and SLA to promote learning, scholarship, and professional development in a supportive community of practice.
SOSLAP provides opportunities for graduate students to connect with faculty and resources within, and outside of, academic contexts to promote deeper interactions in our areas of study through event programming, resource sharing, and community building.
Please join our Facebook community. E-mail soslap@cal.msu.edu with any questions or to join!
SoSLAP Officers 2024-2025
Co-Chair: Alex Hafer (haferale@msu.edu)
Co-Chair: Vashti Lee (leevasht@msu.edu)
Mentorship Coordinator and Treasurer: Carlo Cinaglia (cinaglia@msu.edu)
Communications Officer: Matt Coss (mattcoss@msu.edu)
Secretary: Hyun-Bin Hwang (hwangh16@msu.edu)